I quite liked Zack Snyder's 2004 remake of 'Dawn Of The Dead' and had hopes that the remake of 'Day Of The Dead' would be just as a enjoyable. I was wrong, aside from taking on the title of George A. Romero's 1985 original film and the vague idea that some zombies original personalities can remain after theie transformation, this is a more or less a completely different film. There is barely any plotline, moronic dialogue, average acting and some really poor direction. There are some really naff 80's style slow motion action scenes and to make some scenes look more manic the footage is speeded up which aside from looking really artificial reminded me of a zombie version of the end credits from the Benny Hill show. As a remake of a classic 80's horror film it's hugely inferior to the original and as a zombie film in it's own right it brings absolutely nothing to the genre and is nothing more than second rate 99p bargain bin fodder. If you're looking for a decent modern zombie movie check out the brilliantly trashy 'Planet Terror' the 2004 remake of 'Dawn Of The Dead' or the more light hearted 'Zombieland'.
If you liked Dawn of the dead then you will love this film. Symptoms of a cold turn everybody into the flesh eating undead and suddenly make you worry about a simple nosebleed.
There's action right from the get-go and although there isn't that many jump out of your seat scenes, it never fails to dissapoint.
A must see for all horror fans.