A documentary series chronicling the real-life high-sea adventures of the Alaskan crab fishermen. This is the most deadly profession in the world...A dramatic change in the Russian crab industry rocks global markets and drives new competition between Dutch Harbor captains and their Russian adversaries. As crab prices rise legendary captains return to claim their payday...Johnathan goes under the knife at sea and Junior bets it all while chasing the elusive Golden King crab. Plus, Wild Bill faces an unruly greenhorn...Facing a 500-mile wide Siberian storm, Josh takes a big risk to keep the Cornelia Marie crew safe. Junior loses control of his rudders putting his boat at the mercy of heavy seas. Jake's greenhorn problems get a lot worse when one clogs the toilet...The Cornelia crew fights to save its gear from sea ice; Jake risks the far north to fill his tanks before his son's birth; amid news of a pandemic, Russian boats mysteriously disappear and captains race to dock before crab prices crash...
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