This show follows the life of a family of dinosaurs, living in a modern world. They have televisions, refrigerators, et cetera. The only humans around are cavemen, who are viewed as pets and wild animals...Earl tells Baby the story of how he came into the world...a story in which he asks for a raise from Mr. Richfield and has to choose between buying Fran a new cookware set or buying himself a 90-inch television set...It is a dinosaur custom that when they turn 72, they are to be hurled off a cliff into a tar pit. Ethyl's time is coming near, and Earl (as the ceremonial son-in-law) is looking forward to tossing her...until Robbie realizes Ethyl still has a lot to live for...The Howling is a sacred dinosaur tradition in which, to avert prophesied disaster, male dinosaurs of age climb a cliff and howl at the moon. But when Robbie refuses to participate, it looks like he has, in fact, brought about the apocalypse!...
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