This show follows the life of a family of dinosaurs, living in a modern world. They have televisions, refrigerators, et cetera. The only humans around are cavemen, who are viewed as pets and wild animals...A massive sugar high has Baby bouncing off the walls, which is how he gets a mysterious bump that morphs into a majestic golden horn. It turns out that the horn is the sign of the prophesied leader of the dinosaurs, so Baby becomes the king...which is perfectly fine with Earl...It's Fran and Earl's twentieth anniversary. To make it very special, Earl buys a delicacy for dinner: a species called grapdelites, who, thanks to his fellow snackers, are virtually extinct. While Earl desperately tries to keep everybody's prying paws off of his, Robbie fights to save their species...Wesayso attempts to present a positive image of its company to the public with the perfect family, 'The Wesayso Family'. However, the company decides that it would be better if Roy becomes the head of the Sinclair household, and Earl moves out...
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