Second volume of episodes from the second series of the animated show based on the children's novel by Cressida Cowell. With the uneasy cohabitation of dragons and Vikings in Berk continuing to look fragile, Hiccup (voice of Jay Baruchel) and his friends once again find themselves at the heart of a number of adventures as they try to keep peace in the area. Though the Berk Dragon Academy, created by Hiccup's father Stoic the Vast (Nolan North), still plays a role in maintaining human and dragon relations, the schemes of Alvin the Treacherous (Mark Hamill) and the group of human outcasts he leads threaten to upset the balance of the kingdom.
Episodes Comprise: 11. A View to a Skrill (Part 2)
12. The Flight Stuff
13. Free Scauldy
14. Frozen
15. A Tale of Two Dragons
16. The Eel Effect
17. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
18. Bing! Bam! Boom!
19. Cast Out (Part 1)
20. Cast Out (Part 2)
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