Memories made and memories lost, from two tales made bittersweet...On the night of Christmas Eve, Hiro Hirono meets Miyako Miyamura as she chases her purse-snatcher. From there begins an unlikely friendship between the two as circumstances bring them closer together. However it gets a little more complex when Hiro's childhood friend, Kei Shindou, decides to make her feelings known. Renji Asou meets Chihiro Shindou at an abandoned train station and learns that her memory is not what it should be. Due to her condition it has made Chihird's dream of writing a novel an impossible task. Now, however, Renji is determined to help her fulfill that dream. An emotional roller coaster that'll be sure to pull at your heart, ef - a tale of memories is an interesting look on how these individuals navigate the treacherous waters of love in all its forms.
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