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Ellen: Series 4 (1997)

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Not released
Ellen Morgan (Ellen DeGeneres) is a neurotic bookstore owner who deals with life through comedy and extensive rambling...Ellen is approached by Tom (Curtis Armstrong) and Larry (Larry Hankin), two hippie businessmen who want to buy her bookstore. But Ellen refuses to sell no matter how high the price. When Ellen decides to put down her roots and buy a home of her own, she's unprepared for the price. With Spence (Jeremy Piven) posing as her lawyer, Ellen pays a visit to Tom and Larry's office and decides to give in to their offer, but with the condition that she stay on at the head employee...
Ellen tries to find out if Ed (Bruce Campbell) has a thing against homosexuals after he forces she and Audrey (Clea Lewis) to take down a feminist display at the bookstore. Ellen's suspicions about Ed being a "homophobic" eventually prove correct when he tells her that he doesn't want her around his daughters that she is babysitting. Ellen then quits saying that she doesn't want to work for someone that is prejudice against homosexuals. Meanwhile, Ellen finally moves into her new house and tries to reconcile with Paige who's still shaken by Ellen's "coming out" revelation. Also, Spence asks to...
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Neal Marlens, Carol Black
TV Comedies, TV Romance, TV Sitcoms
Release Date:
Not released
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