A police chief investigates a case involving a young child found near the site of a mysterious accident...Jo Evans (Allison Tolman) plunges her family into a deepening mystery when she discovers a young girl on the night of an inexplicable plane crash and decides to protect her...Jo and Benny (Owain Yeoman) investigate the death of Kindred's former business partner. Mia (Ashley Aufderheide) helps Piper (Alexa Swinton) discover her powers. Alex (Donald Faison) wants to know why Ed is choosing to die...Jo and Chris have to evade the FBI while investigating the cyber terrorists. Ed (Clancy Brown) receives a treatment plan for his cancer that seems to good to be true. A mysterious woman puts Piper and the Evans family in danger...Jo and Brooks (Enver Gjokaj) are in danger, and Piper's determined to help. With Helen's mysterious plan nearly realized, Piper recruits an unexpected team of allies to find them before it's too late...
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