Rent Evening (2007)
3.1 of 5 from 103 ratings
1h 52min
Some great performances from the likes of Glenn Close, Toni Colette and Meryl Streep, although Vanessa Redgrave outshines everyone. A gentle story about family loyalty and love lost.
Hmmm why didn’t this work? Excellent cast. Good roles, somewhat interesting story but it just felt flat. I did like the vintage clothing from wedding party in the 50’s. I thought oh maybe it is just me with a short attention span for most romantic stories. Then I read Roger Ebert’s absolutely hilarious review. He felt the same was as I did, just that he of course was able to describe it SO much better than I possibly could. Not a bad movie, just strangely dull. It was fun to see a younger Claire Danes before Homeland.