18-year-old Aaron Corbett (Paul Wesley) struggles to come to terms with his newly discovered identity - that he's half-angel...On Aaron Corbett's 18th birthday, he begins exhibiting strange abilities, such as the ability to talk to his dog, Gabe, and other animals, leading to the conclusion that he is a Nephilim, the offspring of a human and an angel. Now Aaron must defend himself and his family from the Powers, warrior angels dispatched to Earth to eliminate the Nephilim "abominations", while trying to find a way to live a normal life. He is befriended by Ezekiel, an eccentric but kind-hearted fallen angel, and the former leader of the Powers, archangel Camael. It is revealed Aaron is the...As Aaron and Vilma continue their quest to find the Light Bringer by following Azazel, they find themselves facing The Powers, who are shocked at the sight of Azazel...When Aaron finally meets the Light Bringer, his powers are challenged in a stronger way than ever before...
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