"Fallen Angels" is an American neo-noir anthology television series that ran in 1993 and 1995...Hardboiled Irish-American police sergeant Pat Kelley investigates the murder of his estranged wife Delia, a provocative and flirty dance-hall hostess. The case forces Kelley to face his demons and pay the price...We meet our anti-hero, grafter Mitch Allison, disheveled and walking by the side of the road. He tells us in a flash back narrative how he stole $25,000 from his con-artist wife Bette and jumped on a train hoping to double the money in a scam. He meets sultry Babe and gets involved in more than he bargained for. The twists and turns never stop in this fast paced tale...Annie, in true noir fashion, fatalistically falls in love with a millionaire who is quite bewitched by another lover and is not afraid to show it. In flashback narrative Annie explains that she met Dwight six weeks earlier and soon we understand Dwight's total obsession with "the other woman." How far will Dwight go to win and keep the love of his adored Bernette? What must Annie do to win Dwight's love?
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