"Fallen Angels" is an American neo-noir anthology television series that ran in 1993 and 1995 on Showtime, and was produced by Propaganda Films. No first-run episodes were shown in 1994. A disfigured down-on-his-luck Irish boxer living in America is manipulated by his vamp ex, who's now with a gangster...A dangerous blind gangster, his henchman and his girlfriend hold a meek housewife hostage in her home, claiming that they're there for her husband, who's away. Certain that they've confused them with someone else, she tries to escape...An embattled mob boss whose gunsels have just been massacred by a rival, hides out in a hotel room waiting for assistance promised by an out-of-town hood. In the meantime, he tries to hold on to the last vestiges of his sanity as gnawing fear and muzak piped into his room slowly drive him crazy...
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