Crichton (Ben Browder), now aboard a dying leviathan named Elac, encounters an alien named Sikozu (Raelee Hill) who aids him in stopping the Grudeks who are intent on obtaining toubray (Leviathan neural cluster tissue)...While Moya and her crew are resupplying on a generally xenophobic planet, Aeryn (Claudia Black) kills the next prefect, along with many bystanders and D'Argo (Anthony Simcoe), while under a strange form of suggestion...With their Crystherium stores low, the Scarrans must travel to Earth through a wormhole as those flowers grow there. With Pilots help, Crichton tries to collapse the wormhole leading back to Earth...
Commentary with Ben Browder, Claudia Black and David Kemper
Disc 1:
This disc includes the following episodes: 1. Crichton Kicks 2. What Was Lost: Part 1: Sacrifice 3. What Was Lost: Part 2: Resurrection 4. Lava's a Many Splendored Thing 5. Promises
Disc 2:
This disc includes the following episodes: 6. Natural Election 7. John Quixote 8. I Shrink Therefore I Am 9. A Prefect Murder - Special Features
Disc 3:
This disc includes the following episodes: 10. Coup by Clam 11. Unrealized Reality 12. Kansas 13. Terra Firma - Special Features
Disc 4:
This disc includes the following episodes: 14. Twice Shy 15. Mental as Anything 16. Bringing Home the Beacon 17. A Constellation of Doubt
Disc 5:
This disc includes the following episodes: 18. Prayer 19. We're So Screwed: Part 1: Fetal Attraction 20. We're So Screwed: Part 2: Hot to Katratzi 21. We're So Screwed: Part 3: La Bomba 22. Bad Timing - Special Features
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