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Fast N' Loud: Series 12 (2018)

3.4 of 5 from 45 ratings
Not released
These guys cruise for the classics. Meet self-described petrol-sexual motorhead Richard Rawlings and mechanical prodigy Aaron Kaufmann as they search far-flung corners of the country for forgotten and derelict classic cars to restore at their Gas Monkey Garage. Heaps of rust are transformed into gleaming road warriors and sold to the top bidder...Richard Rawlings searches the far-flung corners of Texas for forgotten and derelict classic cars to buy and restore at the Gas Monkey Garage in Dallas...Richard's plan to reveal the Krew Kut Dually at the Lone Star Throwdown hits a snag when rain forces him to come up with a new plan to re-introduce it to its fans...
Jeanette Gardzelewski, Rebecca Graham, Brian Leff, Edward Rohwedder, Blake Smith, Kendall Seyer
TV Documentaries, TV Reality Programming
Release Date:
Not released

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