Set in the 21st century. 'Fireball XL5' charts the interplanetary adventures of a spacecraft rocket and its crew, pilot Steve Zodiac and the glamorous blonde space doctor Venus, a maths genius and a robot! Fireball XL5 is one of a fleet of rockets used by the World Space Patrol to monitor and protect sector 25 of the solar system from alien invaders including main opponents the Green Men, the Subterraneans and Mr and Mrs Space Spy. Colonel Steve Zodiac, the dynamic pilot of Fireball XL5 is assisted by Professor Mathew "Matt" Mattic, XL5's bespectacled navigator and scientific officer, Venus, the crew's medical expert and Steve's romantic interest, Zonnie. Also joining the crew is a strange looking creature called a Lazoon who is Venus' pet and Robert the Robot, the transparent mechanical co-pilot. XL5's missions are co-ordinated from Space City by Commander Zero and his assistant Lieutenant Ninety.
This disc includes the following episodes:
1. Planet 46
2. Hypnotic Sphere
3. Planet of Platonia
4. Space Magnet
5. The Doomed Planet
6. Plant Man From Space
7. The Sun Temple
8. Space Immigrants
Disc 2:
This disc includes the following episodes:
9. Space Monster
10. Flying Zodiac
11. Spy in Space
12. XL5 to H20
13. Space Pirates
14. The Last of the Zanadus
15. Space Pen
16. Convict in Space
Disc 3:
This disc includes the following episodes:
17. Wings of Danger
18. The Triads
19. Sabotage
20. Prisoner on the Lost Planet
21. Flight to Danger
22. Space Vacation
23. Mystery of the TA2
24. Robert to the Rescue
Disc 4:
This disc includes the following episodes:
25. The Forbidden Planet
26. The Granatoid Tanks
27. Dangerous Cargo
28. 1875
29. The Robot Freighter Mystery
30. Drama at Space City
31. Whistle for Danger
32. Faster Than Light
Disc 5:
This disc includes the following episodes:
33. The Day the Earth Froze
34. Invasion Earth
35. Ghosts of Space
36. Trial by Robot
37. A Day in the Life of a Space General
38. Space City Special
39. The Fire Fighters
Release Date:
Not available for rental
Run Time:
1018 minutes
English Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono
Aspect Ratio:
Full Screen 1.33:1 / 4:3
B & W
BLU-RAY Regions:
Disc 1:
This disc includes the following episodes:
1. Planet 46
2. Hypnotic Sphere
3. Planet of Platonia
4. Space Magnet
5. The Doomed Planet
6. Plant Man from Space
7. The Sun Temple
8. Space Immigrants
9. Space Monster
10. Flying Zodiac
Disc 2:
This disc includes the following episodes:
11. XL5 to H20
12. Spy in Space
13. Space Pirates
14. Convict in Space
15. Space Pen
16. The Last of the Zanadus
17. Wings of Danger
18. The Triads
19. Sabotage
20. Prisoner Of The Lost Planet
Disc 3:
This disc includes the following episodes:
21. Flight to Danger
22. Space Vacation
23. Mystery of the TA2
24. Robert to the Rescue
25. The Forbidden Planet
26. The Granatoid Tanks
27. Dangerous Cargo
28. 1875
29. The Robot Freighter Mystery
30. Drama at Space City
Disc 4:
This disc includes the following episodes:
31. Whistle for Danger
32. Faster Than Light
33. The Day the Earth Froze
34. Invasion Earth
35. Ghosts of Space
36. Trial By Robot
37. A Day in the Life of a Space General
38. Space City Special
39. The Fire Fighter
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