Rent Foreign Correspondent (1940)

3.6 of 5 from 110 ratings
1h 55min
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  • General info
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In 1939, the editor of the New York Daily Globe sends Haverstock, a crime reporter, into Europe in the hope of getting a fresh angle. Naive and wholly ignorant of international affairs, Haverstock launches himself eagerly onto the London scene, where he meets and falls in love with Carol Fisher (Laraine Day), whose father heads an important peace organisation. Before long, Haverstock witnesses the assassination of a Dutch diplomat at terrifying close hand. Hot on the trail of the killer, he soon finds himself deeply embroiled in the evil workings of an international spy ring.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Walter Wanger
Charles Bennett, Joan Harrison, James Hilton, Robert Benchley, Ben Hecht, Richard Maibaum
Rudolph Maté, Alexander Golitzen, Thomas T. Moulton, Paul Eagler, Albert Basserman
Universal Pictures
Action & Adventure, Classics, Thrillers
10 Films to Watch if You Like Rebecca, 10 Films to Watch if You Like To Be or Not to Be, Drama Films & TV, Films to Watch If You Like..., Hitchcock in the 1940s, A Brief History of Film..., Top 10 Best Picture Follow-Ups, Top 10 British War Films (1939-45), Top 10 Films About Radio: Rock to Rap, Top Films, WWII Films: The Battle of Britain & In the Air
Release Date:
Run Time:
115 minutes
English Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Full Screen 1.33:1 / 4:3
B & W
Release Date:
Not released
Run Time:
120 minutes

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Reviews (3) of Foreign Correspondent

Typical Hitch - Foreign Correspondent review by NO

Spoiler Alert

Slow to start but gathers pace. Many scenes were later copied & became cliches .I liked the plane crash-well done & although it was propaganda at the end,it was

throughly enjoyable.

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Wartime Propaganda. - Foreign Correspondent review by Steve

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With the war on in Europe and the US public largely disinterested, the legion of expats and Jews in Hollywood worked to turn public opinion towards entering the war against Germany. This is the first of Alfred Hitchcock's American films made in the style of his British thrillers, and his first anywhere to name the Nazis as the enemy.

It's a picaresque adventure, with decent comedy and superb visual touches. It is even set mostly in England, as an American reporter (Joel McCrea) chases down a key Dutch diplomat who has been kidnapped by terrorists. McCrea and Laraine Day are anaemic leads, but there's some fine support.

When Edmund Gwenn is performing an adorable cameo, we could be back with Hitch at Gaumont. For once George Sanders gets to play a hero not a heel. It treads water badly at halfway (and Hitch would have got this done half an hour sooner in the UK), but it recovers with an exciting and well staged plane crash at sea.

This isn't one of the Master's most suspenseful thrillers, but it is packed with wonderful imagery, like the chase of a would-be assassin viewed from above through a sea of umbrellas. Joseph Goebbels called it a masterpiece of propaganda. McCrea's final broadcast from the blitz to the US audience is the real purpose of the film; this is your fight too.

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Pardon me gentlemen, I represent the Jupiter Life Assurance, could I interest you in a small policy - Foreign Correspondent review by LJ

Spoiler Alert

This spy thriller starts off slow but more than makes up for it with multiple exciting set pieces later on. However it is odd that Joel McCrea drops out of the story at one point and George Sanders takes over as the hero. It made me realise I would rather watch Sanders.

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