The plot of 'Frailty' revolves around the story of Fenton Meeks, a man who goes to the FBI with information related to the identity of a serial killer known as the 'God's Hand Killer'. Fenton tells an FBI agent that he believes the killer may be his own brother. However, to convince the agent Fenton has to tell the dark tale of his childhood. Fenton tells of his family, his widower father and his two sons, Fenton and his brother Adam. Despite the absence of a mother they lead a relatively normal life in a small Texan town, until one night the father wakes his two sleeping sons and tells them he just had a vision from an angel. The vision told him of demons walking on earth disguised as humans, and the Meeks family had been chosen by God to destroy these evil souls. As the horrifying events of Fenton's tale unfold, we learn more about the father, his two sons, and their destinies, and through various plot twists are kept anticipating more and more about what is happening and in which direction the story is going. Overall, 'Frailty' is an excellent thought provoking psychological horror thriller. Bill Paxton, as the father who truly believes he is a prophet of God, gives an outstanding performance and as a director he really proves his worth. The intelligent and clever story is told in flashbacks which will keep you guessing up to the end, and if you enjoy horror thrillers then 'Frailty' is definitely one of the best there is.
Didn't rate this much. The story was ok, but I could see the ending coming a mile off. Not my type of horror film.