A humourless, rather boring family drama set in the picturesque Portuguese town of Sintra. It has an interesting cast who all seem to be on autopilot with the exception of Marisa Tomei who brings a sense of truth to her role. Isabelle Huppert plays the title role, a rich world renowned actor who has bought her family together for a holiday to impart some news. They are all rather spoilt and have their own relationship problems and so we watch as they all act like their rather weary problems are played out over a day. The film is all a bit cold despite the impressively beautiful setting and with such talent as Brendan Gleeson as Frankie's husband and Greg Kinnear as Frankie's best friend, Ilene's (Tomei) new boyfriend it's a film that had potential but is a damp squib.
Glum bunch of characters fail to resolve their family difficulties. Very disappointing use of some excellent actors.
If you can downgrade your expectations and sit back and admire the setting, you can enjoy the film. However the acting is, in the main, rather wooden, and the script disappointing, making the scenes come across too often as clunky. The husband-wife portrayal by Gleeson and Huppert had no credibility. I agree Marisa Tomei is the one giving the most genuine character portrayal by far, with uncomfortably crafted support from Greg Kinnear.