Four interwoven plots that come together in a satisfying climax with sufficent themes to be worth thinking through afterwards.
The presentation of and ideas behind Meanwhile City (a fantastic world with a Batman-like vigilante hero), with its religous police, are most impressive.
That plot is woven into 3 other plots set in contemporary London.
Worth watching, thinking about and then re-watching.
Did everyone else watch the same movie as I did?
This is not a Sci-Fi/ fantasy movie. It turns out to be about a psychiatric patient. A very uninteresting one.
It has a good start in an imaginative setting. Very similar to the Dark City but it all ends there within 5 minutes of the movie. Back and forth between two separate plots until half way through the movie the connection between the two "parallel worlds" becomes apparent. In fact, they are not two parallel worlds; it is all in the imagination.
The fast forward button of your DVD player will become very useful!
Born out of an earlier short film, first time director McMorrow takes the same inspiration and weaves it into a full length feature film. Immediately this tactic proves troublesome as you're left with many questions. Weaving three lost souls and one searcher spreads events too thinly. I would have liked more time in the alternate world, which looks wonderful and full of Terry Gilliam inspirations. Franklyn is different, featuring some strong designs that outstrip its budget. On Blu Ray its a great transfer, but the film lacks a real core and substance.