Started well then faded
- Free Fire review by ED
The first half hour was good, with some witty dialogue and an interesting setup. After that though I felt it became a bit dull, probably because it was so static and a bit repetitive.
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Like the bastard offspring of Pulp Fiction and Lock Stock...
- Free Fire review by Schrödinger's Cake
From the moment the opening credits roll, this is a film that you just know is going to deliver the goods. It feels like the bastard offspring of Pulp Fiction and Lock Stock, and comes complete with a superb cast, a dodgy 70’s sound track, gorgeous lighting, and beautiful camera work.
It’s true that somewhere around the middle of the film it does run out of steam a bit, like a boxer who’s failed to pace theirself and are punched-out before the round is done. However, it manages to pull itself together and get back on form quickly enough.
There are plenty of worse ways you could spend your evening!
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Bang bang
- Free Fire review by JD
Fades very quickly after an interesting start.
Pretends to beset in the USA, but fairly obvious that it is filmed in England.
The cast are good, but did they really PAY for a script ? Every other word was f*** , and its amazing how many shots they can fire without reloading.
But I did watch until the end to see who survived, and the. The extras were interesting as to how they planned the shootout, and how they filmed the car driving over a gunman’s head !
2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
Great idea, but only one idea
- Free Fire review by Champ
This film is a great antidote to the usual Hollywood shoot-em-ups, where bullets either kill you immediately or miss completely.
The setup was great, with Tarantino-esque dialog, delivered by distinct characters, and it built a sense of real tension. When the tension finally explodes, the film really delivers, and keeps you on the edge of your seat. But's just more of the same, and it started to feel like the film only had the one idea. But, having said that, it's still a good idea!
And the film should definitely get extra kudos for its use of John Denver :-)
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Very Entertaining Action Thriller
- Free Fire review by GI
Seriously cool action thriller, and very reminiscent of Reservoir Dogs (1992), from director Ben Wheatley. Set in a deserted Boston warehouse in the 1970s a four man IRA group, led by Chris (Cillian Murphy) have arranged, through intermediary Justine (Brie Larson), to meet gun runner, Vern (Sharlto Copley) and his team to buy assault rifles. The deal is overseen by Ord (Armie Hammer) but things go awry when one of the IRA guys has had a beef with one of Vern's gang the previous evening and soon things spiral out of control. Darkly humorous, pacy and violent this is brilliantly edited into one very long and hugely entertaining shoot out. There's double crosses and plot twists and a very funny script. Everyone is obviously having great fun in what is a bloody, gripping and downright great film. There's a topnotch soundtrack and the support cast are all on great form including Jack Reynor, Sam Riley, Michael Smiley and Noah Taylor. It's very Tarantinoesque in style and is one of those action films that is not meant to be taken seriously but one to just sit back and have a rollicking good time.
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High expectations - but a big let down.
- Free Fire review by DB
IF EVER there was a case of me having very high expectations for a film, and really wanting to see it - and then having a crushing sense of disappointment - it is with FREE FIRE. I have seen BEN WHEATLEY films before, I like his last film, HIGH-RISE for instance. On paper, this looks so good: executive produced by MARTIN SCORSESE, and Ben Wheatley is a fresh British talent. The concept is simple enough: a shootout in a warehouse. But once the action started, I found the editing so frenetic that I quickly lost track of who everybody was. The Irish dialogue was hard to follow, because the accents were so thick and heavy (I aqctually watched the film twice - the second time with the subtitles option turned on). There was also a bit too much emphasis on John Denver on the soundtrack for my taste. It is South African actor, SHARLTO COPLEY who totally steals the show as Verne. In conclusion: I would have to say QUENTIN TARANTINO handled the same sort of material, but did it better in RESERVOIR DOGS and that was 25 years ago.
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- Free Fire review by CP Customer
The cast is really good but all they're asked to do is crawl around on the floor firing the occasional bullet at one another, it's a short film but it still feels 30 minutes too long, there is some witty dialogue but it's no where near enough to save it, Ben Wheatley must be the most overrated directors around, critics adore him and do far I can't see why.
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What a very silly film
- Free Fire review by BE
What a waste of time. One of the worst films I have ever seen. A job to identify any of the characters behind their moustaches and dishevilled hair. One star for the gun choreography.
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Just about enough creative enough to keep the momentum going, despite the story at times meandering
- Free Fire review by Timmy B
Ben Wheatley continues his career as a filmmaker impossible to pin down to one particular genre. With his filmography full of very different & at times challenging themes, it is great that he is able to keep going in different directions. This latest effort is mixed, although when all is said and done, I have given it 4 stars as it is an interesting mix-up.
The story concerns a group of individuals who all meet up in a dingy warehouse at the fag-end of the 70's to conduct an arms deal. With mistrust thick in the air, the massive egos & trigger-happy fingers combust and the film descends into an epic shoot-out between the two parties. The film then ratchets up the stakes as the characters become increasingly desperate.
Far and away, the best part of this film is the characters/actors playing them. For me, my favourite was Sharlto Copley as the extremely enthusiastic & unstable Vernon. With his highly-strung accent and mannerisms, coupled with an instability that knows no bounds, he is massively watchable. Armie Hammer also does good work, as the super-smooth Ord.
The story does at times run out of steam, despite the efforts of both the actors & creative team. But I was never bored and did genuinely enjoy the journey. Mercifully, the short running time means the film does not outstay it's welcome.
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- Free Fire review by GF
Ben Wheatley has been one of the UK's film makers to watch since the inspired darkness of "Kill List', but this is a turkey that ca neither be excused or denied.
Set in a large disused factory, the characters are a mixture of American low entry arms dealers and Irish terrorists, meeting to exhcange cash for guns.
For little apparent reason everyone starts shooting at each, but miraculously hardly anyone seems to stay shot and for the tiresome last hour, people are crawling around uttering unfunny dialogue. It really is one of the worst movies of the year, which seems like the filming of a script half finished.
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