In 1987, having began their television careers with 'The Comic Strip Presents'...and 'Girls on Top', Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders launched their own sketch show. Together, they would go on to complete six series - the look and style constantly changing, but keeping the same mix of special guest stars, manic, bickering performances, musical pastiche and movie spoofs. This is testament to their consistently hilarious shows and a tribute to French and Saunders, who still command the accolade of Britain's most successful, and funniest, female duo...Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders are in bed with two Madonnas and pay tribute to Fleetwood Mac...Dawn and Jennifer suffer an alien takeover, Mary Jennifer Hopkin and Dawn Dana go down the memory lane of their greatest hits, and a young girl's love affair with a horse is captured on film...Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders pay comic homage to Thelma and Louise, and are joined by Royal Ballet stars Darcey Bussell and Anthony Dowell for a documentary on the re-staging of Jennifer's famous ballet La Belle Dame sans Chapeau...
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