In an era where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can...Gintoki and his friends Shinpachi and Kagura start their odd-jobs business with helping out a man whose house is on a faultline...The Amanto prince has lost his pet and is driving the government and law force mad about it, and Gintoki's crew gets sucked into the chaos...Shinsengumi has to protect a corrupt high shogunate official, unwillingly. Meanwhile, a graceful girl wants Kagura to become a friend only a day...Gintoki lost his memories because he had an car accident. In order to recover his memories, Shinpachi and Kagura take him around Edo...Gintoki finds a severed head of girl at a garbage collection point near his home...Yorozuya learns that the fake Yorozuya has made money hand over fist through shady business. / Shinpachi encounters a man who is wearing a blue Zentai. He says he came from the future...Kagura announces the very first Very Merry Contest to determine who the real Santa Claus is...
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