In an era where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can...As Gintoki complains of writing News Years cards, Yorozuya learn of what their friends have done over the holidays. In the second part it's Valentine's Day and Kagura is having trouble with giving her chocolate to Gintoki and Shinpachi...Teruhiko is rescued by Catharine, Shinpachi and Kagura. For the promises with Tatsugoro, Gintoki and Jirocho continue fighting against the mercenary soldiers Kada hired...Shinsengumi accepts Tetsunosuke Sasaki as trainee. He is from the house of Sasaki clan that is a distinguished family, it's notable that his older brother Isaburou Sasaki is a leader of Mimawarigumi. But Tetsunosuke has bad behavior, so Hijikata gets irritated...The Kotatsu placed Yorozuya office gets out of order. Gintoki goes to buy a new at a secondhand shop...
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