This intriguing thriller stars Henry Ian Cusik as Danny Hart, a documentary film-maker, who is either a victim or perpetrator of a crime. He’s being interviewed by police detective Martin (Steve Lang), and his story is told in flashback. Events concern striking up a conversation with Lex (Nicki Aycox), who speaks in riddles, but they become involved nonetheless. Hart’s voice-over narration reminds me of the ‘beatnik’ style of jazzy detective noirs, which is no bad thing.
Psychotic Spider (Charles Aitken), ‘the other man’ then gets in on the scene and blow me, he speaks in riddles too. They’re all at it. Richly atmospheric and enjoyably ‘knowing’ as this approach is, the impenetrability does become wearing after a while, with it becoming increasingly apparent that this is a series of evolcing set-pieces rather than anything more obvious. It’s good: I like it, but it’s all a little one-note, with no moments of progression. The performances are excellent, but the sincerity that sneaks in between the dark atmospherics exist in isolation and are difficult to truly believe in. The soliloquies are only cleared up during revelations disclosed during the police interview. On a personal level, I would love to meet someone who spoke so enigmatically, but I think we’d both need a break from each other every so often.
Decently acted and stylish thriller.
Not sure it was as clever or profound as it tried to be, but I would watch it again.
I'll give it a rating of 5/10.