Follows a best-selling author of a self-help book series who hides her recent separation as she starts to navigate her life as a single woman in her 40s in Los Angeles...During a red-carpet event, Abby and the girlfriends flashback to their struggles and victories over the past 6 months. Abby is jealous of Mike's new job offer and makes an impetuous offer. Barbara let's her guard down around Leon...Abby is now a full-time stepmom since Colette has relocated. Delia tells the girlfriends that she's pregnant thanks to IVF. Phoebe thinks the baby is Tony's. Jo confesses to kissing Frumpus...Abby must face the future and all its unknowns; Delia must decide how to handle her unexpected pregnancy; Jo must decide between Frumpkis and Albert; the girlfriends gather to celebrate Lilly's graduation...
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