Revival of the TV series centering on a new generation of New York private school teens using social media to spread gossip....As the school year begins for New York's elite, a new student at Constance St. Jude's finds herself thrust into the spotlight, while a mysterious presence threatens to shake the status quo...Tensions run high as Zoya (Whitney Peak) reluctantly celebrates her birthday. Audrey (Emily Alyn Lind) levels with Aki (Evan Mock). Kate (Tavi Gevinson) gets an exciting opportunity...While an incident at a nearby school finds all eyes on Gossip Girl, Julien (Jordan Alexander) and Zoya team up for Halloween. Audrey panics over bad news, and Obie (Eli Brown) grows suspicious of Zoya's new friend...When Obie's mother comes to town, Zoya begins to question his nature - and nurture. Julien decides to take her brand to the next level. Aki and Max (Thomas Doherty) come together to support Audrey...
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