This Chicago-set sitcom follows the intertwined lives of six young urbanites trying to learn the ropes of adulthood. Through breakups and whatever other curve-balls life throws them, the pals stick together...Penny buys her first home, an "amah-zing" condo complete with a wine fridge and Italian marble. But will the new digs really signal "the year of Penny" and turn her life around? And, on the year anniversary of their almost-marriage, Jane encourages Alex and Dave to finally be honest with each other - not the best of ideas...The gang find themselves at yet another wedding, this time the nuptials of Derrick and Eric . Will there be "DRAMA", to quote Derrick? Of course, as Brad struggles to tell Jane something important; Jane tries to find a way to help Eric hide the fact that the pricey reception must be down-scaled; and Max tries to find the courage to perform with his old all-male Madonna cover band. Meanwhile, a dateless Penny is sad that she's at another wedding alone, until she meets a cute guy via Skype...
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