This Chicago-set sitcom follows the intertwined lives of six young urbanites trying to learn the ropes of adulthood. Through breakups and whatever other curve-balls life throws them, the pals stick together...Alex and Dave try to downplay their relationship by setting each other up on dates with other people. Brad hides his new job from Jane, and Max takes care of Penny while she's in a body cast...Jane asks Brad for help when she hits a glass ceiling at the auto dealership. Penny has to wear a helmet following her concussion, and Dave and Max have fist-bump problems...Dave (Zachery Knighton) and Penny (Casey Wilson) discover that their parents, Big Dave (guest star Michael McKean) and Dana (guest star Megan Mullally), want to adopt. Jane (Eliza Coupe) and Brad (Damon Wayans, Jr.) look to escape their friends by joining an exclusive tennis club...
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