An intelligent horror movie with a twist.
Shame it was not advertised heavily like the American blockbuster as it really deserves to be seen if you like that genre.
Probably the worst thing about this movie is the limp title. 'Heartless' says nothing to me. Instead it should have been called 'Demon versus Hoodie' or 'Hoodie in Hackney, innit?' or The Demons of Dalston' or something..............
Anway, other bad points include: a confusing plot with unnecessary subplots that make the film drag; clunky placing of objects (look out for the clingfilm) early in the story which crash back in later; clunky parachuting of ethnic minority characters and 'ishhoooos' into the story'; unnecessary characters - the ever-irritating and smug Noel Clarke does his usual Dr Who turn (his role would have been better cut out completely); too quiet dialogue when characters say really important things (you'll need subtitles!............
Good Points: some really funny and well-written comedy scenes, especially with Eddie Marsdan and also the 'clingfilm guy'. Timothy Spall phones in his part, with his usual plaintive attempts at creating character sympathy.....
The Writer is also the Director (and also wrote the lyrics of the dull songs playing throughout) - always a bad sign. This script needed editing - badly!
And why on earth is this an 18 certificate? It does not merit that.
But overall, an interesting Brit-flick horror - more interesting than most Hollywood fare. And I really wouldn't mind watching it again - then I might understand what sigificance the Polish girl, the little Asian girl, and a great deal else has!
3.5 stars rounded up to 4.
I remembered half way through this film that I had already seen it not long after it was released did'nt manage to watch it the first time
it flits about too much on pointless bits of uninspired action you begin to wonder what the hell it is all about needless to say I turned it off again!