This film has wonderful atmospherics in its setting and in the way it’s shot. Coupled with two young leading actors, who put in sensational performances, this film packs an emotive punch.
The performances and storyline have an authentic feel to them and for the final third of this film the powerfulness of whats unfolding really hits you.
The two young male leads were terrific and surely future stars.
This is a superb original film from Iceland with stunningly naturalistic performances by the actors, especially the 2 boys, especially the boy who plays the main character Thor - this is possibly the best ever child actor performance I have ever seen. Utterly believable, naturalistic, consistent, touching, real. Should have won awards, if it did not.
Yes, the film may be a tad long and meandering. Yes, some symbolism is layered on with a trowel - the 'ugly duckling' bullhead fish thing, and the trapped/dead seagulls. Yes, we get it. The need to escape and it's OK to be different. BUT even that works in the bleak treelessness of Iceland (which reminded me of the TV drama VIKINGS and the disaster episodes set there when the island of Iceland was first occupied by those immigrants).
Just a brilliant film I discovered by accident. I shall definitely now watch and rent the film by the same writer/director and with the same actors made 6 years later - Beautiful Beings.
4.5 stars rounded up
I can only endorse what the other reviewer TB has said.
A special film that will live in my memory.