Hercules (Kevin Sorbo), aided by his best friend Iolaus (Michael Hurst), goes on many adventures helping people and slaying mythical monsters using his half-god strength...Arciana (Katie Wolfe) and a group of criminals break out of prison to search for the Sword of Hera. Kevin Sorbo's real-life wife Sam Sorbo reprises her role of Serena (Sam Sorbo) - sort of. Hercules realizes this isn't his Serena. This being calls herself "Sin" and says she wants to help recapture Xerxos (Jeremy Roberts), who escaped from her realm of punishment. Hercules reluctantly accepts her power and gradually becomes more vicious as they continue to pursue Xerxos and Arciana. Can Iolaus uncover Serena's hidden agenda in time to save Hercules?...Lilith's daughter, Cesca (Jodie Rimmer), enters into the dangerous world of witchcraft...When Zeus (Charles Keating) uses Evander (Joseph Main), Ares (Kevin Smith) and Nemesis' son, to rescue Hera (Meg Foster) from Tartarus, the Earth is in danger...
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