An excellent film on entertainment basis, but on a comical scale rather than a thrilling/action-adventure style escapade. The acting talent is lacking, the CGI monster comical and the sets decidedly 1960's Doctor Who. The only half decent feature to attribute to the film is the script, but with feeble acting talent it is quickly destroyed. The main character is unsympathetic, as is the leading floosy and the entire plot is full of more holes than the hydra had heads.
Amusing, yes. But scientifically - how did the hydra swim with a slug for a body?
I will say theese sort of films don't intrest me it was my son who wanted to watch it. But I amazed myself and watched it and it was a good film.
I don't know what possessed me to rent this,I think I had a funny 5 minutes, the acting was terrible, so wooden that at first I thought it was going to be a comedy, and the special effects, well Jason and the argonauts looked high tech compared to this, please don't bother watching this, I wish I hadn't.