It helps to know some post WWII German history if you watch this film - the rise of the extreme left in 1960s and into 70s. The RAF = Red Army Faction, and Baader-Meinhof group (Baader features in this as does his girlfriend - both were jailed for life in 1972 for terrorist murders). That hard left which believed they had to fight against fascism - they feared Germany becoming fascist like Greece or Spain. They were loyal to the USSR though, so hardly libertarian. They were of their time. Strange the DVD description does not mention it is based on a true story.
The main character is a real one too - his book published 1977, memories of childhood and drugs/acid trips, fragmented memoir. His father was a loyal Nazi author, one of 88 authors who signed a loyalty oath to Hitler. He also organised book burning.
This is all a bit long, worthy and ponderous and could be cut down a bit - but i liked the real life clips of the time, from Viet Nam and news reports as it whizzes through the 70s.
All very tragic in the end. NO SPOILERS for the film but In real life, these people all committed suicide, ,main character 1972 and Baader and Gudrun 1977 in prison with others.
Good news though - the son Felix grew up and became an author.
Worth a watch esp for anyone interested in post war German history and literature.