I thoroughly enjoyed this film although perhaps the same material in the hands of Nacho G. Velilla would have had a bit more panache.
I find Pedro Almodovar perhaps the most over-rated director in the world today (except perhaps for the awful Wed Anderson).
This movie is cheap and looks it - like a B-movie (and it probably started as a 4th rate play in Spanish theatre or via some awful drama student workshop). It chooses to flaunt gay stereotypes in an utterly unrealistic plot (so many things happen here that would never ever happen on ANY aircraft - in the Western world anyway. Maybe in Russia or Africa).
What Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz are doing in this trash is a mystery. Maybe they were drugged (like the passengers on this fantasy jumbo jet).
Wanna watch a great movie set on a flight? Rent out AIRPLANE! It knocks socks of this Spanish omelette mess of a movie.
This is just irritating and boring - and unfunny - and crude. One star is for its being less than 90 minutes.