This film is based on the true story of the Mirabal sisters in the Dominican Republic from the 1930s to 1960s. The country is ruled by the dictator Trujillo in a regime of fear and intimidation where people who speak out against the government 'disappear', and consequently most people just try and keep their heads down, not ask dangerous questions, and hope that they and their families will be able to live in peace. However, for some, especially those who have lost family members, peace on these terms is not acceptable and there is a growing feeling that something must be done. Dangerous as it is, some form an underground revolutionary movement with the aim of overthrowing the Trujillo regime. The Mirabal sisters come from a fairly wealthy family but nevertheless get invovled and become key figures in this movement. The 3 sisters show incredible courage and nobility of spirit in the face of extreme adversity, including imprisonment and torture. An amazing story, really well told, of how these courageous sisters impacted history for the good of their people.