This film stands alone as a good family adventure if not a little dark. However it does not manage to capture the feeling or full spirit the author created on the written page. Brenden fraiser is miscast as the father and this together with a chopped about story means dissapointment for fans of the Book.
A good story theory but in practice this film is quite boring - too many bits and pieces to make it a whole - Helen Mirren tries her hardest to be amusing and light-hearted to bring a counter to the dark side but there is nothing really going for the film. With a wealth of literature available, more could have been made of characters but in reality, nothing came of anything here, with even the denouement being too twee to be believable. Probably aimed at 8 year olds and even then being a limited type of audience
This film was meant to rival harry Potter at christmas until they put harry potter back to the summer but in truth it wouldn't have stood a chance.The story goes all over the place and you don't know where they are from one place to the next.Looking for the inkheart book takes up a third of the film.With such a great cast it isn't a great movie.