A teenage girl periodically travels back in time to feudal Japan to help a young half demon recover the shards of a jewel of great power...In feudal Japan, Naraku has sent a demon called Mimisenri to look for the Sacred Jewel shards. Meanwhile, Kagome returns to the present day, and finds that the school is in the middle of preparing for the cultural festival. Kagome ends up helping out with the festival...Inuyasha and the gang meet Shinosuke, who is looking for his fiancée. They are led to a village of only women, and are separated by sex into their rooms. Kagome is left together with Sango. She asks Sango about her relationship with Miroku...Inuyasha and the gang meet Gakusanjin, and learn that Naraku has stolen the Fuyouheki, a guardian stone. Gakusanjin trusts Inuyasha and the gang, and gives them a crystal of demon energy. The crystal's demon energy will disappear if it gets near the Fuyoheki...
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