I wasn’t massively impressed with this. With a title like ‘Killer Nun’, it is no great surprise to find Anita Ekberg’s Sister Gertrude behaving in a continually unorthodox manner, indulging in brief sexual dalliances (with both genders), drug taking and being horrible to those in her care. Ekberg plays the deterioration well, and Paola Morra is also excellent as Sister Mathieu - but on the whole, this is a very dull affair.
Director and co-writer Giulio Berruti lets some sub-par visuals pass, with background characters glancing at the camera and occasional scenes that would have benefitted from another take. Only towards the end do events become disturbing, and effectively so. At last Gertrude’s hallucinogenic events are increasingly frenzied and you get the feeling the film is finally getting somewhere. Sadly though, this feeling doesn’t last long, although there is a good twist at the end.
I get the impression ‘Killer Nun’ is quite happy simply to feature controversial scenes of a Nun (or Nuns) behaving badly and doesn’t really seem interested in progressing any further than that.