All 12 episodes of the Japanese anime based on the manga by Yui Hara. During a spell living with a family in England, Shinobu Oomiya (voice of Asuka Nishi) developed a strong friendship with the young daughter of the family, Alice Cartelet (Manami Tanaka). When the time comes, Shinobu finds it very upsetting to go home to Japan, but go she must. Five years later, Shinobu has entered her first year at high school and receives a letter she cannot read. The letter was written by Alice, who has come to Japan to live with her just like before. The girls attend high school together and, along with their friends, learn and grow side by side. The episodes are: '...In Wonderland', 'Even If I'm Small', 'What Kind of Friends Will I Make?', 'Aya Nervous in the Rain', 'Together With Onee-chan', 'Golden Alice, Golden Karen', 'Hungry Karen', 'What Day Is Today?', 'Who Isn't Sleeping?', 'The Wonderful Five', 'Try and Guess How Much I Like You' and 'Golden Moment'.
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