Rent La Jetée / Sans Soleil (1983)

3.5 of 5 from 160 ratings
2h 9min
Rent La Jetée / Sans Soleil (aka The Pier / Sun Less) Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
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One of the most influential, radical science-fiction films ever made and a mind-bending free-form travelogue, 'La Jetee' and 'Sans Soleil' couldn't seem more different - but they're the twin pillars of an unparalleled and uncompromising career in cinema. Filmmaker, poet, novelist, photographer, editor, videographer, and digital multimedia artist, Chris Marker challenged moviegoers, philosophers, and himself for years with his investigations of time, memory, and the rapid advancement of life on this planet. These two films - a tale of time travel told in still images and a journey to Africa and Japan - remain his best-loved and most widely seen.

La Jetee (1962)
This unique film was the inspiration for Terry Gilliam's 'Twelve Monkeys'. It is a cinematic landmark using black and white stills almost entirely to narrate the story. Set in Paris destroyed by a third world war, the survivors have been forced to retreat underground where scientists conduct strange time travel experiments to escape from a terrible present to a better past or future...
Sans Soleil (1983)
Director Chris Marker takes the viewer into a different dimension, weaving footage from Japan, Africa, Iceland, France and the USA to produce a study of 'the dreams of the human race'. He is particularly attracted to the two extremes of Japan and Africa, and discusses the images that he creates with the woman, ever mindful of the astonishing store of memory he has created.
, Davos Hanich, Jacques Ledoux, , , , Pierre Joffroy, , Philbert von Lifchitz, , , , Germano Facetti, , , , , ,
Anatole Dauman
Voiced By:
Jean Négroni, James Kirk, Florence Delay, Riyoko Ikeda, Charlotte Kerr, Alexandra Stewart
Narrated By:
Jean Négroni, James Kirk, Florence Delay, Riyoko Ikeda, Charlotte Kerr, Alexandra Stewart
Chris Marker
The Pier / Sun Less
Nouveaux Pictures
Classics, Documentary, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Special Interest
12 Films of Christmas Present, A Brief History of the Summer Olympics on Film, A History of Films Set In The Future, All the Twos: 1902-62, Holidays Film Collection, Science Fiction & Fantasy, The Best Cyberpunk Films, A Brief History of Film..., Top 10 Award Winners at the London Film Festival, Top 10 French-Language Remakes, Top Films
Release Date:
Run Time:
129 minutes
English LPCM Mono
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Full Screen 1.33:1 / 4:3
Colour and B & W
  • 'Chris pn Chris': an insight into Chris Marker by Chris Darke
Release Date:
Run Time:
130 minutes
English LPCM Mono, French LPCM Mono
English, English Hard of Hearing
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.66:1
Colour and B & W
BLU-RAY Regions:
  • Two interviews with filmmaker Jean-Pierre Gorin
  • Chris on Chris, a video piece on Marker by filmmaker and critic Chris Darke
  • Two excerpts from the French television series Court-circuit (le magazine): a look at David Bowie's music video for the song "Jump They Say," inspired by La Jetee, and an analysis of Hitchcock's Vertigo and its influence on Marker
  • Junkopia, a six-minute film by Marker, Frank Simone, and John Chapman about the Emeryville Mudflats

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Reviews (2) of La Jetée / Sans Soleil

La Jetee - La Jetée / Sans Soleil review by AER

Spoiler Alert

La Jetee, as far as I know, is a unique piece of cinema. A narrator describes the fate of an unnamed man who gets sent back in time. This 28 minute short film received a remake in the 90s - Terry Gilliam's 12 Monkeys and it hasn't diminished it's imapct. A moving, sad and unforgettable piece.

I was less fussed about Sans Soleil which felt (at times) like sensory overload. I watched it for 1 hour and called it a day.

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Influential but very dated, pretentious, boring French films from 1983 & 63 - not movies, STILLIES. - La Jetée / Sans Soleil review by PV

Spoiler Alert

Well what to say about these 2 films/ SANS SOLEIL is from 1983, all still photos and commentary on Japan mostly. I turned off after 25 minutes.

They are not MOVIES - they are STILLIES. Still photographs only shown with someone commentating on what they show and how supposedly profound it all it. It was a technique for film-making that did not catch on obviously, Hmm, I wonder why... Maybe because they are mind-numbingly boring?

La Jetee is the earlier film, 1962 and about time travel and nuclear apocalypse. I lasted less than half an hour with this. Supposedly influential, and it may well have been, but GOSH it is dull and boring. The year before the BRILLIANT colour film version of THE TIME MACHINE was made. Watch that instead. Or DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS TV series 1982. Or 28 DAYS LATER. or THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS, Or SHAUN OF THE DEAD. Something ENTERTAINING. This is not that.

However, both these films may well be great sures for insomnia and can be used instead of sleeping pills, so...

These are 2 very VERY pretentious and monotonous arty self-indulgent French films - the sort of thing I would have watched in the late 80s when I was arty and had aspirations to be arty and go to arty college and act arty. I grew out of it, thankfully.

If watching a series of photographs being lectured in mind-numbing dull and pretentious French with obscure references and supposedly profound pronouncements is your thing, fine - you'll love it. Just like up a Gitane, stare into the middle distance, pontificate about the futility of existence and do a Gallic shrug, and you'll be fine.

Not for me.

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