We can all identify with neighbourly disagreements, and in Lakeview Terrace an initial dispute over security lights soon grows. It becomes evidently clear to the new couple on the street that there is more than just a debate over boundaries. Samuel L Jackson plays the leading role of Able Turner, a more demanding part than we’ve seen from him in recent years and he excels as the menace from hell. AT as he is known, does not approve of the interracially married couple or their liberal views. Turner is with the LAPD, working the streets and nearing the end of his career. He cannot split the job from home and rules both with the absolute power, including his children. Things soon spiral out of control with each side raising the stakes and divisions appearing in both ranks. However the script soon tumbles into stereotypes when it could be really tackling the issues at hand that such a situation can foster. Jackson is clearly the best thing in the film, the rest of the cast pale in comparison, he literally carries the whole project. He really is the main reason to watch events unfold with the closing stages sadly forgettable.
a creepy suspense thriller with the usual superb performance by Mr Cool - Samuel L Jackson.
Well worth a watch.