Rent The Last Kiss (2006)
3.1 of 5 from 192 ratings
1h 39min
The problem with this film is that because it stars Zach Braff everyone assumes its a comedy. Also it was marketed as a comedy. By no means is this a comedy, don't even bother to watch it if you want a light hearted film. I found this film moving, and I simply cannot understand the bad reviews its getting. The acting is superb, and I found the characters and situations very real.
Probably the themes are more suited to an older audience who have experienced love, and life crises. I thoroughly enjoyed this film, and I can't wait to see Zach Braff take more roles like this.
Really enjoyed this film, but if you're looking for a happy go lucky romcom then this isn't for you. It's got a bigger punch than that. But I really enjoyed it.