Poorly conceived thriller that has a narrative that's been done much better in earlier films, Breakdown (1997) comes to mind, as here we have a routine disappearing wife scenario and an innocent husband who frustrated by slow police action heads off on his own investigation. It's all very tame and the main protagonist, Will (Gerard Butler) does some inexplicable things that stretch credibility even in a thriller such as this. In short Will and wife, Lisa (Jaimie Alexander) are having troubles so he reluctantly is taking her to her parents for a break, they stop to refuel and she goes missing. The police delve into their marital troubles and come to suspect Will may have done her in. We, the audience, know differently from the get go so there's no mystery here and as the thin plot unravels it's all a big stretch for any imagination. Will basically tracks her down and rescues her! That's it. Fortunately it all wraps up pretty quickly and you can comfortably forget this even quicker.