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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Series 4 (2017)

4.6 of 5 from 45 ratings
Not released
Former Daily Show host and correspondent John Oliver brings his persona to this new weekly news satire program...John Oliver talks about Donald Trump's activities since becoming the President...John Oliver continues to talk about ventures of US President's office. He also talks about the pros and cons of Obamacare, and the upcoming Obamacare replacement plan...Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner hold an incredible amount of political power. That's troubling considering their incredibly small amount of political experience...
Stupid Watergate is a reference to Nixon presidency's scandals which led him to resign and Oliver contrasts it with current series of scandals of Trump and how they've led to talks of impeachment just within 4 months of his presidency...John Oliver talks about presidential pardons, and specifically President Trumps first pardon of Joe Arpaio. He discusses the crimes Arpaio is convicted for, and the message Trumps sends by pardoning him...
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TV Comedies
Release Date:
Not released

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