FILM & REVIEW Very odd British crime thriller has Frank (Bridges) an ex-GI returning to London to rekindle a wartime old flame Pauline (Lister) now a successful actress. She is supposed to pick him up but instead a fellow passenger gets shot by a sniper on the tarmac. This appears to be known criminal Kendal Brown who the police soon trace as a contact to Pauline. She at first denies this to Frank but it’s obvious she has much to hide. The police also track down Browns ex-wife a threate singer who maintains they have been separated for years. Paula admits to an affair with Brown and using her motor launch to assist in his smuggling enterprises and who is now being blackmailed by the ex-wife. Several red herrings and plot twists later and it’s all coming nicely to the boil then a real WTAF ending…….you have to wind it back to make sure you haven’t missed something but no …bizarre…. Up until then it’s very good with solid performances and great use of the river around Rotherhithe when it was a working port. So 3.5/5 overall.