Revolves around a quartet of single friends in New York City - two who are falling in love and two who despise each other, at least initially...When Ben Parr (Jason Biggs) and Kate Swanson (Sarah Chalke) accidentally meet at the top of the Empire State Building, they make a date for later that evening and each bring along their best friends, Larry (Tyler Labine) and Connie (Judy Greer), who instantly despise each other...After Ben convinces her to ditch work for Coney Island, Kate drags him away to ride the Staten Island Ferry. As their adventure turns sour and threatens to derail Ben's important speaking engagement, Connie struggles to impress an editor with her new children's book while Larry is smitten with Connie's boss, Tiffany (Sarah Wright)...Kate's ex-boyfriend reveals some shocking information that could put her relationship with Ben in jeopardy, and Connie and Larry's fake date takes a very real turn...
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