"Making History" follows three friends from two different centuries as they try to balance the thrill of time travel with the mundane concerns of their present-day lives...Dan (Adam Pally), a facilities manager at a small Massachusetts college, recently discovered time travel and has been transporting himself back to the 1700's to spend time with the colonial woman for whom he's fallen, Deborah (Leighton Meester). His recent jaunts through time have caused a major issue. To set matters right, Dan enlists the help of a brilliant, polished and popular history professor at the college, Chris (Yassir Lester). Can Dan, Chris, and Deborah save America as we know it?...Chris turns to John Hancock (John Gemberling) and Sam Adams (Neil Casey) for help as Deb realizes her dream of re-opening Chadwick's ice cream parlor...Dan's attempt to get Chris his job back goes awry when Dr. Cobell (Ben Vereen) has a heart attack...
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