While investigating a Calling, Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) finds a mysterious stowaway. Ben (Josh Dallas) clings tightly to his beliefs. Cal (Ty Doran) comes out of hiding to pursue a lead...An ominous Calling shakes up Michaela and Zeke's (Matt Long)'s party. Cal and Ben receive devastating news. Michaela, Saanvi (Parveen Kaur) and Eagan (Ali Lopez-Sohaili) look for the Omega Sapphire...Michaela heads to a dock with Jared (J.R. Ramirez) to look into Ben's Calling. Saanvi walks Cal through a daunting task. A dark presence infiltrates the Stone family...The Death Date has arrived. As tensions erupt and revelations emerge, the passengers of Flight 828 reunite and face the unknown together...
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