I had no idea what to expect watching this film.
Despite so many plot holes (has no-one heard of DNA testing?), this is a pitch black dark comedy which satirises crime and policing in London - the way so many are sick and tired of crime, and how ineffective and pc the police so often are. If you like your comedy dark and occasionally sick, then this is for you.
In such a climate, you get vigilantes. That theme is nicely explored here, in this happily short film.
Kevin Bishop is great in this - a revelation. Utterly believable, as is his odious mum - though some digs at 'right wing' politics seem tacked on (as if crime and violence is only done by the extreme right!)
It's all quite nasty if you actually think about it SO best to look at it as a cartoon and an allegory of our times.
The first half is brilliant - 5 stars. Then it sags a bit. So 4 stars overall.