The plot of 'Mean Creek' revolves around of a group of kids who plan revenge on a local bully, which ultimately leads to disaster. What sets 'Mean Creek' apart from similar films is that it dares to delve deeper into causes of child bullying, showing that what can cause one child to bully another is poor social skills, isolation, and a lack of acceptance by society. Another great aspect of the story is the role reversal twist that takes part within the film, the way the children who originally see themselves as the victims of the bully, through their act of revenge, themselves become the bullies. For such a young cast the quality of acting is nothing short of superb, mix this with the excellent script and the end result is a very powerful, very sad and one of the best coming of age stories since 'Stand By Me'.
This film was so bad it made me want to poke out my own eyes.
Oh dearie me Hollywood.
And where ARE they getting all these tiny Culkins from?!